New Edited Volume about the Framework of Language – Lexicon and semantics

The lexicon is the framework of the language which is a construct of several units, metaphorically as a stone wall. All sorts of elements are needed in linguistic constructs, like bricks and stones that are placed next to each to give a significant overall appearance to the stone wall. Léxico y semántica: nuevas aportaciones teóricas … More New Edited Volume about the Framework of Language – Lexicon and semantics

Ny kurslitteratur i konstvetenskap – Visuella kulturstudier

Hur kan vi förhålla oss till samtida och historiska visuella kulturer? Idag är förmågan att analysera, historisera och granska bilder och bildflöden mer aktuell än någonsin. Men hur är det möjligt att förhålla sig analytiskt till samtida och historiska visuella kulturer? Antologin Visuella kulturstudier: Teoretiska tillämpningar i konstvetenskap 5 inleds med en historiografisk introduktion till … More Ny kurslitteratur i konstvetenskap – Visuella kulturstudier

“For the people” – populist discourses in election campaigns in romance-speaking countries

The new anthology The New Challenges of Populist Discourses in Romance Speaking Countries , edited by Malin Roitman et al., examines election campaigns in Spain, France, Italy and Brazil with an aim to identify, explore and compare expressions of populism. The past decades have seen a rise in populist discourse and populist candidates have been … More “For the people” – populist discourses in election campaigns in romance-speaking countries

Nordic and Baltic Perspectives in Canadian Studies – editors of new anthology interviewed.

How can Canada be narrated and compared with countries in Northern Europe? “Nordic and Baltic Perspectives in Canadian Studies – An Interdisciplinary Approach to Northern Spaces Narratives” contains a collection of articles from various fields in the humanities that introduce major topics of Canadian studies, as they are examined in the Nordic and Baltic countries. … More Nordic and Baltic Perspectives in Canadian Studies – editors of new anthology interviewed.

The irrevocable shift to open science – and how we provide the infrastructure

Stockholm University Press is an intrinsic part of the research infrastructure at Stockholm University, just like our home, the University Library. The approach is to provide relevant publishing services for peer-reviewed and open publications with a non-profit model. We want to encourage researchers to publish open books and journals while we help them stick to … More The irrevocable shift to open science – and how we provide the infrastructure

New book examines the dynamics of circulation between Francophone literary areas and the Swedish cultural landscape

French literature has an established position on the global book market and has proven to provide consistent cultural value to peripheral regions. Within this vast body of texts, literature written in French by authors born outside of France is increasing and claiming a space in global literary circulation. How can unequal conditions of circulation be … More New book examines the dynamics of circulation between Francophone literary areas and the Swedish cultural landscape

Ny bok undersöker vad som är en god barndom i antropocen

I boken Barndomar i antropocen: Idéer om goda barndomar under människans epok analyseras olika idéer om vad som utgör den goda barndomen under den tidsperiod som föreslagits få namnet antropocen: människans epok. Med utgångspunkt i en kritisk tradition och utifrån ett fokus på hur vuxenvärlden skapar önskvärda barndomar ställer författaren frågan om vilka ideala barndomar … More Ny bok undersöker vad som är en god barndom i antropocen

New book: Performing the Eighteenth Century

What can artists learn from theatre scholars when it comes to performing historical works on stage today? What can theatre scholars learn from today’s artists when it comes to understanding the works and practices of the past? How is the experience of modern spectators affected by attending performances in historic theatres? And how, aesthetically, do … More New book: Performing the Eighteenth Century